
Hi, I’m a creator

This Week´s Time Bender REPLAY inside!

Published about 2 years ago • 1 min read

Beloved Time Bender,

Thank you for joining me over the past weeks as we train to bend time and show up in faith, fitness, and business from our raised and seated place.
And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus -Eph. 2:6

Our Tuesday POWER HOUR calls are dedicated to helping you shift your perspective on time and truly step into trusting God with your agenda in a way that's transformational. This month we are wrapping up our PRE-SEASON which is basically these sessions where we learned how to set up our 12-week year and on May 2nd we will be kicking off our first 12 WEEK YEAR TOGETHER!!!

So this is your chance to catch up and show up live next week if you want to be part of our 12 Week Year Accountability calls that start in May.

Tuesday April 19th at 3:30 ET / 2:30 CT/ 12:30 PT ... WE ARE VERY INTENTIONAL ABOUT STICKING TO 1 HR, so be on time. JOIN US THIS TUESDAY ON ZOOM (CLICK FOR THE LINK)

IMPORTANT: Although this is a FREE group training I dive deep with each and every single person that joins the call, so once we hit the cap on the number of participants per session I will be limiting entrance to the LIVE participation. Our PRE-SEASON sessions end this month so be sure to join in early this week and secure your spot if you are interested, and if you haven't joined us live before but would like to, I am sending over the replays...

Be sure to watch before they disappear:

Session 1 - CLICK HERE

Session 2 - GO HERE

Session 3 - CLICK HERE

Session 4- GO HERE

Session 5 - CLICK HERE

Session 6 - GO HERE


FUN WORK FOR THIS WEEK: (FUNWORK is what I challenge you to do and bring with you for tomorrow’s check-in): 1. Watch the replay for details 2. Have your weekly tasks and tactics set up. 3. Take inventory of what you do daily in 30min increments, be ready to share ONE DAY of your full schedule in order to AUDIT this together and help you bend time more efficiently.

If you are unable to make it to the LIVE training but are enjoying the replays, feel free to send me your feedback on how it has been helping you. I would love to continue delivering valuable content to your inbox.

Much love,

Coach Ana ❤️

P.S. If you are ready to bend time in your fitness and business, let's talk: I have a special BONUS for those of you that also want 1-1 help with your 12 Week Year so make sure you mention this when you schedule your complimentary consult.

Hi, I’m a creator

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